PRG for the CCG…yes, more acronyms when talking to the NHS
Besides delivering training, I’ve been networking and talking with Southwark, Greenwich and Lewisham sensory teams since becoming a freelance tutor; joining the Lewisham NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) as an active and member of their Patient Reference Group (PRG) from 2015-2018. I promoted use of shared calendars, style guides, multi format approaches and document repositories.
In 2018 U Can Do IT ceased trading as a charity, which was very upsetting, but I was then asked by Mycenae House to start delivering Digital Inclusion sessions (Mycenae Digital) within the Reach Out project, which has been a great experience as my work is best produced in a team environment. 2020 is bringing new challenges, but I’m still making ‘Techy Times’.
If you’re interested, find out what a soulchip is. You can also get in touch to talk about a project or work you would like assistance with.