Accessibility Projects think+act Local RE-thinking Volunteering – talk on 23/10/20 YT was kindly invited by Faye at Lewisham Local to join in this conversation via Zoom to talk about Digital…
Accessibility Update AIS day hosted by AbilityNet I receive regular mail outs from various disability groups, and this particular event was particularly interesting to me – professionally…
Accessibility Update Deptford Digital Drop in – Bring your Device! I’m keeping up with trying to have some ‘Digital drop ins’ to focus on the physically disabled and people 50+.…
Accessibility Hardware Software Logic versus the senses Since my last reflective post, time has been given on the pursuit of becoming an Activity Coordinator, which is steadily…
Accessibility Hardware Software Update Comfortably Digital 30th June As part of my outreach in the quieter months of the summer, I’m hostingĀ a couple of presentations to engage…
Accessibility Software Training A soulchip toolkit – not just software. I’ve been remiss in updating the site since my talk late last year, and since then the good people at…
Accessibility Update Disability in Smart Cities? Out of the blue, and as a complete surprise and compliment, I received a phone call and email asking me…
Accessibility Update A new look for the site. After much wandering and wondering, I’ve finally settled upon a new theme for the site – its very accessible and…
Accessibility Hardware Training Cinnamon court digital activities and engagement For the past few months, I’ve been working with a day centre in Deptford, steadily building the confidence and awareness…
Accessibility Creativity Training Update Laptop Lab – Mycenae house 26th March Mycenae house Laptop lab for March
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